Forums - Cyclops vs Sentinel 1 on 1 who wins? Show all 50 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Cyclops vs Sentinel 1 on 1 who wins? ( Posted by Evil Rahsaan on 07:05:2001 11:37 PM: Cyclops vs Sentinel 1 on 1 who wins? I'm not gonna post a poll, because alot of folks will just vote, and not state why they voted the way they did. I've been hearing Sentinel owns basically everyone in Mvc2, so does Cyclops beat him? Posted by GeekBoy on 07:05:2001 11:41 PM: It's a mixed bag. If Sentinel messes up a fly, Cyke can do a HP Gene Splice XX SOB, for a bit of damage, but if Sentinel's got 5 levels, Cyclops makes one mistake, Cyke loses 75% life, and with Sentinel's corner hi-los, Cyke dies. So I'm in favor of Sentinel. Posted by psx2000 on 07:06:2001 12:05 AM: Well it aint impossible for cyclops to win but..... i got to give the nod to sentinel. FOr cyclops to win he would have to pressure sentinel when he aint got super bars and hope to be able to get in a hit to combo into his super. From there if sentinel got 2 bars of super or more its time for cyclops to play major keep away and build bars for his Kick super i would the kick super also because its a tracking super to stop sentinel when he goes to flight. If you use the mega optic blast sentinel might fly over it and hurt you bad. Posted by dj-b13 on 07:06:2001 12:32 AM: cyclops can win...jus pressure him bad but do it with caution... Posted by kyosuke87 on 07:06:2001 01:36 AM: damn that match would be skerry!! [img]C:My Documents\skerd.gif[/img] Posted by bleyl on 07:06:2001 01:43 AM: i think most decent sent users could pull it off, just being defensive and chipping should do the trick Posted by Naslectronical on 07:06:2001 03:16 AM: I'd have to give this to Sentinel(is there any situation he can't deal with). If he stays on the ground, FP beam and drones will beat Cyclops low fierce. The only way he should go into flight mode is if Cyclops doesn't have any meter, or if he's running away with jumping hk's. If Cyke gets hit by a s. lp, or he runs into a Rocket Punch, he stands to lose %75-%80 of his life. Not to mention, if he gets launched by Sentinel, he's going to lose about %30. Cyclops can still win it, but Sentinel has a pretty good advantage in this one. Posted by mondu_the_fat on 07:06:2001 03:23 AM: This one's sentinel's. Cykes only hope is to chip with his super. Usually this involves Cyke running away building meter with HK. But Naselect already much covered it--Sent can shut down all that jumping, and if Cyke is hit it over. The same isn't true with the MoB -- Sent can take it without missing much. BTW, Sent's launcher _can_ beat the Cyke's jumping HK. I still can't get Cyke is so popular (then again, Megaman and Jill area also pretty popular). Just about anybody beats him. He's only useful as assist for Cable. Posted by Evil Rahsaan on 07:06:2001 03:48 AM: WEll who the fuck does sentinel lose to nas? Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:06:2001 04:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by mondu_the_fat This one's sentinel's. Cykes only hope is to chip with his super. Usually this involves Cyke running away building meter with HK. But Naselect already much covered it--Sent can shut down all that jumping, and if Cyke is hit it over. The same isn't true with the MoB -- Sent can take it without missing much. BTW, Sent's launcher _can_ beat the Cyke's jumping HK. Man, this is such a poor post. The other people at least gave some decent reasons why they thought Sent would win. All you did was demonstrate that you know nothing about playing with Cyclops. In any match between these 2, flying is going to be less-than-effective. 1 on 1, is Sent really gonna stand around doing Fierce XX Drones? Not unless he feels like eating SoB every time he does it. Is Cyclops just gonna whiff HKs all day to chip w/ MoB? Not unless he feels like eating J.HPs, and blocking drones. So with the standard patterns out the window, who wins? I say Cyclops, because he has better priority, better mobility, can punish Sent's laggy moves easily, and can hit Sent from anywhere on screen with SOB on reation to any attack that isn't a LP or LK. Sent's advantages are that he owns the distance ground game, and can kill Cyke in 2 combos. It will take Cyke a good 4-5 combos to kill Sent. It's a good matchup that can go either way...however, there are a lot of people who play Sent well, and not many that play well with Cyclops, so that is why you will SEE Sent dominate in that matchup. -DFA (and why am I always a biter for these shit-starting posts by Evil Rahsaan/ORG?) Posted by TheFlood on 07:06:2001 05:43 AM: Sent's ground trap is non-effective against Cyke. Any decent Cyke will opitc sweep any time Sent does a standing or crouching fierce, and Cyke can beat drones any number of ways. I give the match to Cyclops as long as he's patient. The Flood Posted by Geronimo on 07:06:2001 05:45 AM: i say this one goes Sent., he jus has to many tools for Cyke to compete with Posted by MarkyMark on 07:06:2001 06:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by Evil Rahsaan WEll who the fuck does sentinel lose to nas? I don't think Sentinel loses to anyone out-right. He is the greatest. Posted by Naslectronical on 07:06:2001 06:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by MarkyMark I don't think Sentinel loses to anyone out-right. He is the greatest. Very true. There really isn't any situation that Sentinel can't deal with. He's the best characer in the game IMO. Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 07:06:2001 08:03 AM: Sentinel loses to cable if cable has assist and sometimes if he doesnt also if Cable didnt have AHVBx.... then sentinel would own everyone. and im going with Sentinel on this one. Posted by Ducky on 07:06:2001 08:25 AM: is this thread going to be like the Iceman vs Cable thread...? heaven helps us... Posted by Galford on 07:06:2001 02:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Man, this is such a poor post. The other people at least gave some decent reasons why they thought Sent would win. All you did was demonstrate that you know nothing about playing with Cyclops. In any match between these 2, flying is going to be less-than-effective. 1 on 1, is Sent really gonna stand around doing Fierce XX Drones? Not unless he feels like eating SoB every time he does it. Is Cyclops just gonna whiff HKs all day to chip w/ MoB? Not unless he feels like eating J.HPs, and blocking drones. So with the standard patterns out the window, who wins? I say Cyclops, because he has better priority, better mobility, can punish Sent's laggy moves easily, and can hit Sent from anywhere on screen with SOB on reation to any attack that isn't a LP or LK. Sent's advantages are that he owns the distance ground game, and can kill Cyke in 2 combos. It will take Cyke a good 4-5 combos to kill Sent. It's a good matchup that can go either way...however, there are a lot of people who play Sent well, and not many that play well with Cyclops, so that is why you will SEE Sent dominate in that matchup. -DFA (and why am I always a biter for these shit-starting posts by Evil Rahsaan/ORG?) Sorry, but i think you're smoking something serious. A good Sentinel player won't stay in flight mode forever for SoB. A good Sentinel player will coax Cyke to waste his supers. Cyke without supers is like Strider without Ouroboros...He sux! A good Sentinel player won't stay on the ground while Cyke jumps up and builds meter. I usually jump B4 Cyke does and use the big boot. 9 times out of 10 Cyke is going to do a jumping RH just to kiss Sent's foot every time. Let's not even mention the threat of Sentinel getting Cyke in the corner. OMG, think about this: Stomping, flight, cancel, a possible air combo cancelling into flight etc. Sent will snuff out any super attempt by Cyke. I give it to Cyke on any lower tiered character, but come on! His priority on that jumping RH is lost if Sentinel does his frying pan or is right above him stomping his ass to death. I'm not even going to get in depth with Sentinel's semi infinite or the fact that he doesn't take damage like a pussy. Sentinel has MORE mobility that cyke. That flight is the fastest in the game. It's true that Sentinel controls the ground, but that robot is air traffic control also. The beauty with Sent is that he can be played offensively AND defensively. If Cyke is faced with an aggressive Sentinel, then the results aren't going to be pretty for Cyke....Lataz... Posted by disgruntled goa on 07:06:2001 04:35 PM: Don't Cyclops' various roundhouses out prioritize every normal Sentinal has? Well, I don't know. You might wanna try asking Viscant. Posted by Sentinels Force on 07:06:2001 05:18 PM: quote: Originally posted by disgruntled goa Don't Cyclops' various roundhouses out prioritize every normal Sentinal has? Well, I don't know. You might wanna try asking Viscant. i think the sentinels fierce punch can completely stop cyclop's fierce kick Posted by Chaotic Blue on 07:06:2001 07:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by Sentinels Force i think the sentinels fierce punch can completely stop cyclop's fierce kick what about gene splice into SoB? C. Blue Posted by Dark-Angel on 07:06:2001 08:54 PM: Sentinel Owns Cyke. -Dark-Angel- Posted by disgruntled goa on 07:06:2001 09:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by Sentinels Force i think the sentinels fierce punch can completely stop cyclop's fierce kick Actually, I believe the neutral jumping roundhouse, the flashkick thing, beats Sent's frying pan. Of course I could be wrong. Posted by mondu_the_fat on 07:07:2001 04:13 AM: DFA, could you please read my first paragraph ? What did I say ? I said that Naselect already mentioned things that Sentinel has over Cyke. I simply saw no point in repeating what has just been said. Then I added the damage factor thing: Sent takes a lot less than Cyke. This is true, isn't it? Since it's true, then how come I made such "a poor post"? Geez. Anyway, I don't think Sentinel is the best. He has a lot of trouble with Strider (at least I do). Also, Storm playing keep-away is pretty hard to deal with. Sent needs assist to make up for his lack of ground speed (ever tried to fly after Storm ?). Posted by Naslectronical on 07:07:2001 05:46 AM: quote: Originally posted by mondu_the_fat Anyway, I don't think Sentinel is the best. He has a lot of trouble with Strider (at least I do). Also, Storm playing keep-away is pretty hard to deal with. Sent needs assist to make up for his lack of ground speed (ever tried to fly after Storm ?). Actually, Sentinel can make Strider pay the most for making a mistake, which most of the time is the best you can do against Strider. Sent can half chase a runaway Storm too, His frying pan brings her down, even if it doesn't hit. His fast as hell flight speed can also help bring her down. Posted by mondu_the_fat on 07:09:2001 06:17 AM: Most opponents who play Storm do a Super the moment Sentinel flies. No problem if she doesn't have a Super though, so I usually end up trying to fly then immediately landing right before her Super hits. Also no problem if Strider player makes a mistake -- his stamina sucks. Unfortunately, I sometimes never get the chance to hit back. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:09:2001 06:23 AM: Can I change my vote? I got to play Genghis' Sentinel today, and...holy shit! Posted by Red Spiral on 07:09:2001 06:39 AM: Sentinel: He has too many tactics, keep-away, power, hell he can get hit by 1000 SOB and it doesn't do shit, if cyke rushes down Sentinel theres something called pushblock, and when cyke jumps in a good choice is HSF then infinite or just standing HK sj. lp, lk, lk, dp rocketpunch. Sentinel's very fast and can rush the hell out of cyke if cykes not careful. cyke isn't hopeless though, he still has a good chance of winning. -Red Spiral Posted by kingofkod on 07:09:2001 06:56 AM: The only way i see Sentinel winning this is if Cyclops stays on the ground too long. Sentinel really sucks in the air besides his head stomp he isn't that great in the air. Cyclops should just keep jumping and doing RHs and SOB. Not much Sentinel is going to do about that. Also Cyclops Fierce Optic Blast seems to be at the right angle to help bring down Sentinel outta the air pretty good. But nonetheless i say if Cyclops holds block and kills sentinel after missed rocket punches he doesn't have much to worry about. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:09:2001 07:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by kingofkod The only way i see Sentinel winning this is if Cyclops stays on the ground too long. Sentinel really sucks in the air besides his head stomp he isn't that great in the air. Cyclops should just keep jumping and doing RHs and SOB. Not much Sentinel is going to do about that. Also Cyclops Fierce Optic Blast seems to be at the right angle to help bring down Sentinel outta the air pretty good. But nonetheless i say if Cyclops holds block and kills sentinel after missed rocket punches he doesn't have much to worry about. Ignore this post, he doesn't know what he's talking about. Posted by kingofkod on 07:09:2001 07:20 AM: just haven't played a good Cyclops. His double jumping makes it easy to dodge alot of sentinel's attacks. And i have yet to see a Sentinel that is master of the air besides head stomping on grounded folks. Posted by Red Spiral on 07:09:2001 07:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Ignore this post, he doesn't know what he's talking about. obviously. kingofkod, have you ever heard of the sentinel AIR-INFINITE? Ha. I don't wanta get into any details; you seem confident in what you're saying. -Red Spiral Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:09:2001 07:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by kingofkod just haven't played a good Cyclops. His double jumping makes it easy to dodge alot of sentinel's attacks. And i have yet to see a Sentinel that is master of the air besides head stomping on grounded folks. And, you, apparently, know nothing of his flying HP, his four different angles of Rocket Punches, air super, superior mobility, ability to get higher than the opponent, and ability to flight cancel. I recommend you search the forums with a search-string of "flight cancelling" Posted by disgruntled goa on 07:09:2001 10:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral Sentinel: He has too many tactics, keep-away, power, hell he can get hit by 1000 SOB and it doesn't do shit, if cyke rushes down Sentinel theres something called pushblock, and when cyke jumps in a good choice is HSF then infinite or just standing HK sj. lp, lk, lk, dp rocketpunch. Sentinel's very fast and can rush the hell out of cyke if cykes not careful. cyke isn't hopeless though, he still has a good chance of winning. -Red Spiral Just wanted to point out that Cyclops' jumping down+roundhouse ourprioritizes Sentinal's HK so trying to counter Cyclops' jump in attempt with Sentinal's launcher is really not a good idea. Posted by kingofkod on 07:09:2001 03:17 PM: quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral obviously. kingofkod, have you ever heard of the sentinel AIR-INFINITE? Ha. I don't wanta get into any details; you seem confident in what you're saying. -Red Spiral Actually no I haven't. Like i said...I haven't seen a Sentinel rule the skies like how yall are talking about. I guess i haven't played enough Sentinel's but when i do they stay on the ground unless they wanna stomp. And i rarely ever see anyone use that Air super of his too effectively. Posted by kingofkod on 07:09:2001 03:21 PM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove And, you, apparently, know nothing of his flying HP, his four different angles of Rocket Punches, air super, superior mobility, ability to get higher than the opponent, and ability to flight cancel. I recommend you search the forums with a search-string of "flight cancelling" Rocket punch has ALOT of lag time. If cyclops gets stung with it then that'll punish him but i would be more "block" minded if i was playing Sentinel with Cyclops and I wouldn't be that likely to get hit by it unless their assist was distracting me. That rocket punch can be a killer. And I haven't seen the superior mobility of any sentinels around here. Also haven't seen anyone use that Air super of his too effectively. Even on some of the vids on here the most i see done with Sentinel in the air is head stomping folks and combos off of launchers. That's about it. Posted by TheMummy on 07:09:2001 03:34 PM: I go with the Sentinel Posted by Hoe Muffin on 07:09:2001 03:37 PM: Sorry, just wanted a clarification, Sentinel would be playing the more block minded game or cyclops? The problem is, one on one, playing a blocking game against Sentinel gets you in a whole lot of trouble, no matter WHO you use. Secondly, as far as superior mobility goes, a flight canceling Sentinel with the glow is the most obnoxious thing in the entire world to take down without an anti-air assists. Few characters can do this on their own, or more importantly, few characters can do it and intimidate Sentinel. It isn't very difficult for an accomplished Sentinel player to 1. Keep Cyclops stuck somewhere and 2. Stay out of range of his optic blasts. If you use Cyclop's Super optic blast (his small super beam, I may havbe the name wrong) you can get maybe one or 2 hits for pathetic damage AND give Sentinel the glow (I think), which just sorta sucks hard for Cyclops. As you've noted yourself, Cyclops can't really carry a ground game vs. Sentinel without assists. Of course, you've said you haven't faced flight canceling sentinels, so Cyclops does do a little better. Posted by TheMummy on 07:10:2001 11:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by TheMummy I go with the Sentinel Because he has high Defense and many tactics Posted by FecalPenance on 07:10:2001 04:08 PM: DeathFromAbove was right when he said 1 on 1 cyke would win... Sentinel needs an assist to keep good flight pressure against cyclops, and cyke's downback + kick throw seems like it can grab sentinel from an inch away sometimes.. anyone who puts cyke as point on their team knows his true offensive potential Posted by mondu_the_fat on 07:11:2001 05:54 AM: quote: Originally posted by kingofkod Sentinel really sucks in the air besides his head stomp he isn't that great in the air. HAHAHAHAHAcoughchokeHAHAHAHA! Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:11:2001 10:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by FecalPenance DeathFromAbove was right when he said 1 on 1 cyke would win... Sentinel needs an assist to keep good flight pressure against cyclops, and cyke's downback + kick throw seems like it can grab sentinel from an inch away sometimes.. anyone who puts cyke as point on their team knows his true offensive potential Nope, sorry, I was wrong...I'll go back and delete that post, cuz...unfly changes everything. Hitting him with SoB becomes a serious liability, giving him that much more attacking power. From that point on, Sent keeps Cyke pretty much below him, and from there, Sent can work the horizontal ranges to his advantage, and own the rest of the match. Sorry for the misinformation before. I've learned since then. -DFA Posted by War on 07:11:2001 02:41 PM: Sentinal for numerous reasons. 1. A good Sentinal will chase down cyclops and use his air speed. ( Yes I said air speed ) To drive him into the corner. 2. Sentinal has way to many options in the air. Also I'll state this again a good player will use air speed. They will also switch constantly from flight to ground. If for no other reason than to block. 3. Sentinal on the ground is a monster. He's even worse up close. Thats the best way to play him. He seems to break down someone when there is a big metal robot at your throat. His d+roundhouse and standing weak will force someone to turtle if used correctly. Cyclops needs to hit at least 2 to 3 hits to even consider stoping Sentinal. How can he hit him if Sentinal doesn't let up. Dash in, s+w,s+w, lprocket punch and repeat. Cross up with D+Roundhouse as a mix up. If your feeling frisky use the D+Fierce. 4. Follow the Sentinal force in to keep the pressure on. If Cyclops jump send the force out and follow them in. If he's constantly doing a Roundhouse to build his bar, he's either gonna fall into the for our you'll be there waiting on him. 5. Chipping, Chipping and more chipping. All of Sentinals moves chip. Cyclops will have to keep Sentinal from touching him. Is that really possible? 6. Sentinal can pin an opponent in the corner. If he nails Cyclops with his launcher he can follow up with a very destructive 8 hit combo. Even worse is there is potential for even more combos. Love him or not Sentinal is the man. I rest my case. BTW I do use Cyclops, but I wouldn't put him against Sentinal unless he wanted to get stung. Posted by Psykik Jin on 07:11:2001 04:40 PM: i would say sent for the resons every 1 eles said Posted by Mitsuflip on 07:12:2001 04:08 PM: sentinel will win... but there were times where i beat some sentinels w/ cyclops Posted by FecalPenance on 07:15:2001 05:00 AM: The 3rd japanese video in the new premium multimedia section shows a great match between cyke and average sentinel player should destroy an average cyke player, but when you compare two masters cyke owns Posted by g_ngan on 07:16:2001 04:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mitsuflip sentinel will win... but there were times where i beat some sentinels w/ cyclops it all depends on the players~ if the sent player's sucks and the cyclops player's is good...then my vote will go for i don't think people should be saying my cyclops win sent,etc but my vote will go for sent....don't wanna say why....people said it above Posted by Draven_TKD on 07:18:2001 12:30 AM: I'm a Cyke player and I've had to fight my friends Sent one on one alot and pretty much Cyke's gonna lose. I mean you can't even try and grab Sent without risk major death. Posted by Red Spiral on 07:18:2001 02:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by kingofkod Actually no I haven't. Like i said...I haven't seen a Sentinel rule the skies like how yall are talking about. I guess i haven't played enough Sentinel's but when i do they stay on the ground unless they wanna stomp. And i rarely ever see anyone use that Air super of his too effectively. HA Sentinel's flight game is one of the best! ever heard of lk, lk, dp rocketpunch? the range is like ten miles and does massive damage. And like YOU said YOU haven't seen good Sentinels. I've seen very good cyke's, I'm not saying cyke will lose everytime, there still is a chance cyclops will win. Posted by Red Spiral on 07:18:2001 02:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by disgruntled goa Just wanted to point out that Cyclops' jumping down+roundhouse ourprioritizes Sentinal's HK so trying to counter Cyclops' jump in attempt with Sentinal's launcher is really not a good idea. ummmm duh if they're right next to each other in the air because sentinels foot goes down and cyclops goes more towards. but if cyke is doing d + roundhouse, the sentinel's pan knocks that shit out of the air easily. Posted by Mr. Hiryuu on 07:19:2001 11:03 PM: Cyclops vs Sentinel 1 on 1 who wins? Sentinal hands down All times are GMT. The time now is 09:19 PM. Show all 50 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.